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National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism No.
33 PH 366 July 1996
Neuroscience Research and Medications Development
Research suggests that the processes leading
to the development of alcoholism reside largely in the brain. This has
led to the concept of developing medications that act on specific brain
chemicals to interfere with these processes. In 1995, the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration approved the use of one such medication--naltrexone,
under the brand name ReVia(TM)--to help prevent relapse in recovering
alcoholics. By combining results of clinical and neuroscience research,
this advance signals a new era in alcoholism treatment. This Alcohol
Alert shows how brain chemistry research may lead to further breakthroughs
in the medical treatment of alcoholism and its effects.
Phenomena of Addiction
Reinforcement. It may seem self-evident
that a person will repeat an action that brings pleasure, or reward. The
process by which such an action becomes repetitive is called positive
reinforcement. Normally, this process functions to sustain motivation
for behaviors essential to the individual or species, such as eating,
drinking, or reproductive behavior (1,2). Evidence suggests that alcohol
and other drugs of abuse (AOD's) are chemical surrogates of such natural
reinforcers (3). AOD's that cause a rewarding mental state (e.g., euphoria)
function as positive reinforcers upon initial exposure (3). These drugs
may be more powerfully and persistently rewarding than the natural reinforcers
to which the human brain is accustomed (4). Thus, continued exposure to
AOD's can initiate increased drug-seeking behavior and set the stage for
addiction. Although the remainder of this discussion concentrates on alcoholism,
the principles described are generally valid for other addictions as well.
After alcohol-seeking behavior has been established,
the brain undergoes certain adaptive changes to continue functioning despite
the presence of alcohol. As a consequence of this adaptation, however,
certain abnormalities occur in the brain when alcohol is removed. Thus,
periods of abstinence are marked by feelings of discomfort and craving,
motivating continued alcohol consumption. This kind of motivation--based
not on reward but on avoidance of painful stimuli--is called negative
reinforcement. Both positive and negative reinforcement are involved in
the maintenance of alcoholism (5,6).
Dependence. Physical dependence in alcoholism
is the need for continued alcohol consumption to avoid a withdrawal syndrome
that generally occurs from 6 to 48 hours after the last drink. Withdrawal
symptoms include anxiety, agitation, tremor, elevated blood pressure,
and, in severe cases, seizures. The withdrawal syndrome is distinct from
the ongoing process of negative reinforcement described above, although
both phenomena result from adaptation of the nervous system (7,8).
Alcohol and the Brain
All brain functions, including addiction, involve communication
among nerve cells (neurons) in the brain. Each of the brain's neurons
connects with hundreds or thousands of adjacent neurons. The points of
connection between neurons are generally separated by microscopic gaps
called synapses. Messages are carried across synapses by chemicals called
neurotransmitters. Although there are approximately 100 different neurotransmitters,
each neuron releases only one or a few different types. After its release,
a neurotransmitter crosses the synapse and activates a receptor protein
in the outer membrane of the "receiving" neuron.
Each receptor type responds preferentially to
one type of neurotransmitter. However, most neurotransmitters can activate
different subtypes of the same receptor, producing different responses
in different brain cells or in different parts of the brain (9). Determining
the specific neurotransmitters and receptor subtypes that may be involved
in the development and effects of alcoholism is the first step in developing
medications to treat alcoholism (10,11).
Receptor activation causes a change in the receiving
neuron. This change may consist of a transient increase or decrease in
the neuron's responsiveness to further messages (12). Alternatively, some
receptors promote long-term changes that support functions such as growth;
learning; or adaptation to changes in the neuron's environment, such as
the presence of alcohol. The process of converting messages from other
neurons into changes within the receiving neuron is called signal transduction
(9). Alcohol may produce some of its effects by interfering with signal
transduction (13,14).
Pharmacological treatment for alcoholism has focused
on the processes described above. Other elements of message proce ssing,
described below, may provide additional targets for medications development.
The brain's long-lasting adaptations to alcohol
may result in part from changes in gene function (15). Genes direct the
synthesis of proteins, such as receptors. By influencing gene function,
alcohol may alter the structure and function of specific receptors that
have roles in intoxication, reinforcement, and physical dependence (16-19).
Alcohol's effects on genes may also alter proteins involved in signal
transduction (14). Additional research is needed in this area before practical
benefits, in the form of medications, can be realized.
Groups of neurons with similar functions extend
from one brain region to another, forming neural circuits. Circuits interact
with one another to integrate the functions of the brain. One important
part of a circuit that has been studied for its role in reward is the
nucleus accumbens, located near the front of the brain (3,20). Other circuits
are involved in various aspects of alcoholism. For example, circuits involved
in physical withdrawal have long been targets of medications development.
Medications Development
Any alteration in the function of message reception
or transduction systems may have significant effects on the progression
of alcoholism after drinking has started. An understanding of how specific
changes in the function of these systems affect susceptibility to alcohol
provides a starting point for medications development (21-23). Medications
can theoretically be developed to block receptors or enhance their function;
to increase or decrease the synthesis, release, or synaptic concentration
of neurotransmitters; or to modulate signal transduction.
Medications development for alcoholism focuses
mainly on two goals: treatment of withdrawal and the maintenance of abstinence
(relapse prevention). Many withdrawal symptoms appear to result in part
from overactivity of the sympathetic ("fight or flight") nervous system
(24), which normally functions to prepare the body for stressful situations.
The preferred medications for withdrawal are benzodiazepines, such as
Valium®, which "brake" the racing sympathetic nervous system while
helping prevent seizures (25,26).
Medications to interrupt the process of reinforcement
are being investigated. The key neurotransmitters involved in reinforcement
include the endogenous opioids and dopamine. The endogenous opioids are
a group of brain chemicals similar in action to morphine. They appear
to amplify the pleasurable effects of rewarding activities (27,28) and
have been shown to help maintain drinking behavior (29,30). Naltrexone
helps prevent relapse and reduce craving by blocking certain opioid receptors,
presumably reducing the pleasurable effect of alcohol (31-33).
Dopamine is involved in aspects of motivation
and has been implicated in addiction to several drugs (34). Alcohol has
been shown to increase levels of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens (35),
although dopamine's precise role in the development of alcoholism remains
unclear (34,36). Bromocriptine, a medication that activates dopamine receptors,
has been thought to reduce craving in alcoholics; however, it has not
been found to maintain abstinence (37).
A significant impetus to medications development
has been the recognition that alcoholism and some psychiatric disorders
appear to involve some of the same neurotransmitter systems (38). This
presumed similarity in neural mechanisms may also be related to the substantial
co-occurrence of AOD and psychiatric disorders in the same patients (39-41).
For both of these reasons, researchers have investigated current and experimental
psychiatric medications to treat alcoholism occurring either alone or
in the presence of psychiatric symptoms. An example is buspirone, an antianxiety
medication that activates certain serotonin receptors. Seroton in, a neurotransmitter
that helps regulate many mental and bodily functions, helps modulate reinforcement
(42,43). Extensive research has demonstrated a limited effect of buspirone
on alcohol craving and consumption among anxious alcoholics (44,45). Similarly,
the antidepressants imipramine (46) and desipramine (47) were found to
decrease alcohol consumption among alcoholics whose co-occurring depression
improved in response to the medication.
The antidepressants that have stimulated the most
alcohol-related research activity include fluoxetine (Prozac®) and
related medications that increase serotonin concentrations in synapses
(48,49). Clinical trials of these medications to date have not shown effectiveness
in treating alcoholism (23).
In summary, medications that treat psychiatric
disorders may in some cases be effective in treating co-occurring alcoholism
as well. Further research is needed to determine whether such medications
can improve treatment outcome in the absence of co-occurring psychopathology.
Neuroscience Research and Medications Development--
A Commentary by NIAAA Director Enoch Gordis, M.D.
Developing effective pharmacotherapies for alcoholism
treatment is a top priority of alcohol research. Doing so depends on neuroscientists'
continued elucidation of how alcohol acts on the brain to produce the
fundamental phenomena of alcoholism--tolerance, withdrawal, impaired control
over drinking, and craving--and how these phenomena can be interrupted
or controlled. It also depends on clinical researchers' testing the efficacy
of medications through carefully controlled clinical trials. The development
of naltrexone in the United States and acamprosate in Europe is based
on just such an important convergence of neurosciences and clinical research.
At the present time, clinical research indicates
that the best treatment results are achieved with a combination of pharmacotherapy
and skilled counseling. Research is underway to determine how alcoholism
treatment medications work (the mechanism of action), the potential therapeutic
value of using pharmacotherapy over a longer period of time, and which
subsets of patients are most likely to benefit from new pharmacological
treatments. The prospects for improved alcoholism treatment have never
been better.
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All material contained in the Alcohol Alert is in
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NIAAA. Citation of the source is appreciated.